The private sector is the engine room of any country and Fiji is not an exception, says Minister of Lands and Mineral Resources, Filimoni Vosarogo.
Speaking as chief guest at the Nadi Chamber of Commerce & Industry hosted Annual Business Forum on Friday afternoon at Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi, Mr Vosarogo said agriculture, minerals and mining is still very much “untapped” and can become good economic drivers and tools of resilience in future.

Nadi Chamber of Commerce & Industry president Dr Ram Raju shares a light moment with Minister of Lands and Mineral Resources Filimoni Vosarogo. Photo: SHALENDRA PRASAD
“A very good example ahead of us is the Tuvatu Gold Mine in Sabeto whereby two of the villages very close by to the mine operations have a monthly secular economy of $25k and $50k respectively as villagers from those settlements are staff members of Lion One Metals Limited that operates the mines,” Mr Vosarogo said.
“A comprehensive road map for economic development in the form of our National Development Plan (NDP) 2025-2029 is in place and the onus is on us to transform that vision from book into reality,”Mr Vosarogo added.
Mr Vosarogo reiterated that while tourism remains as the largest contributing industry to the national GDP, the question that needs to be asked is what happens when a global travel disruption like the global pandemic happens?
“We need diversification, we must act decisively and not depend on one industry, we need to diversify to make the economy more resilient while extracting value from natural resources responsibly and harnessing our oceans with care,” he said.
“A strong partnership between government and the private sector can make sustainable economic growth happen.
“Fiji has fertile land and rich marine systems, and the true value lies on how we harness them through sustainable development to unlock the full potential of our natural resources,” the minister said.
Echoing similar sentiments, NCCI president Dr Ram Raju said the private sector is pivotal in supporting industrial growth and the primary industries.
“An honest and robust debate is warranted. There’s always a lot of talk about improving the national economy and the GDP and I believe it is now time for action,” Dr Raju said.
For more information, please contact NCCI President Dr Ram Raju | +679 9920444 |